Ordnance Division Survivors

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Pictured below are members of the ship's Ordnance Division that survived the April 6, 1945 sinking as they pose aboard the USS HENRICO enroute to San Francisco. The Ordnance Division included Gunner's Mates, Torpedomen, and Fire Control Men.

The HENRICO (a troop transport) had previously been hit by a Japanese suicide plane killing the HENRICO's skipper, division commander, two army colonels, and 45 other officers and men. Other than her return trip to the states, the HENRICO was also out of the war.

USS BUSH Ordnance Division Survivors
Best information on those pictured above is as follows:

1st Row (Front), left to right: Robert Wise-S1c, Norman Kreis-GM1c, Joseph McManus-GM2c, Howard "Red" Lawrence-GM1c, Claude Cooper-S1c, Robert Melvin Cowherd-S1c, Donald Dyke-FC3c, Nicholas Basalla-S1c, William E. Babusek-S1c
2nd Row, left to right: Moses Hubbard-Lt.(jg), Narvis Robinson-S1c, H. A. Williams-GM3c, Benjamin Daniels-GM3c, Francis McCall-GM1c, Floyd Ford-S1c, Donald Peterson-FC3c, Roy Helms-FC3c, Fred Tennessen-S1c, Kenneth Liederbach-S1c
3rd Row, left to right: Austin Wagner-TM3c, Ed Adams-FC3c, Frank Loftus-S1c, Clarence "Art" Woolfolk-TM3c, Thomas Soo Hoo-TM3c, Telio Borroz-TM1c, Russell Youngren-TM3c, William Short-GM3c, Daniel "Andy" Anderson-S1c, Raymond Sobczynski-GM3c, Harry Mendel-GM3c
4th Row (Back), left to right: William E. Barber-S2c, Gerald Kasparek-TM1c, Joseph Zweig-GM3c, Herman R. Williams-S1c, John Tybuszewski-S2c, Clement Jostes-Lt. (jg), H. C. Stanley-Lieutenant, Hilliard Lubin-Lt.(jg), Thelmer Hobby-CGM, Ray Mayhugh-CTM, George R. Winkhouse-S1c, Harold J. Yauch, Jr.-FC3c

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