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USS BUSH - Miscellaneous Deck Log Entries

July 1944 through February 1945

The following are a collection of miscellaneous deck log entries from July 1944 through February 1945. Collectively, deck log excerpts provide insight into tactics, terminology, logistics, and life in general aboard a U.S. Navy World War II destroyer serving in the Pacific.

Dates Islands
July 17, 1944 through September 15, 1944 Hawaiian - Florida - Admiralty - Morotai
October 16, 1944 through November 16, 1944 New Guinea - Philippines
November 25, 1944 through December 9, 1944 Admiralty Islands - Leyte Gulf, Philippines
January 15, 1945 through January 20, 1945 Lingayen Gulf, Philippines
January 25, 1945 through February 28, 1945 Caroline - Guam - Iwo Jima
June 4, 1945 Missing Logs Explanation

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Location: Hawaiian Island area
Date: Monday 17 July, 1944
1338-Commenced firing 5"/38 and machine gun battery at sleeve towed by plane in Tare, Charlie, and Uncle runs.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

Location: Hawaiian Islands, enroute to Tulagi, Florida Islands
Date: Sunday 6 August, 1944
1324-In company with USS JASON commenced firing anti-aircraft practice at sleeves towed by planes. 1340-FLOYD, G. B., S1c, 269-13-82 USN, received laceration of scalp from flying 40MM cartridge case on gun 41.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

Loction: Florida Islands
Date: Tuesday 15 August, 1944
1741-Standing off Tulagi Harbor covering movements of USS JASON.....1846-Moored port side YO-14 in Berth 21 Tulagi Harbor.....1905-Commenced fueling from YO-14.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

2155-Completed fueling having received 135,000 gallons of fuel oil.
... H. L. Lubin, Ensign, USNR.

Location: Admiralty Islands
Date: Monday 21 August, 1944
0851-Got underway on various courses at various speeds standing out of Seeadler Harbor, Manus Island in accordance with CTF 74 Daily Practice Program Serial A. F. 537/69 of 18 August, 1944. 0955-Took station 3000 yards ahead of USS NASHVILLE.....1100-Commenced maneuvering on various courses at various speeds for radar tracking drill.
... N. P. Foss, Ensign, USN.

Location: Admiralty Islands
Date: Tuesday 22 August, 1944
0457-Made radar contact with HMAS SHROPSHIRE, HMAS ADRIADNE, USS HOPEWELL, USS NICHOLAS, bearing 270o distance 39,000 yards. Maneuvering on various courses and various speeds for simulated night battle practice. 0522-Australian cruisers fired star shells over USS NASHVILLE. 0523-Commenced firing star shells over Australian cruisers. 0523-Ceased firing having expended 5 illuminating projectiles and 5 flashless powder cartridges SPDN 5227. 0544-Ceased tactical exercises.
... N. P. Foss, Ensign, USN.

Location: Morotai Island
Date: Friday 15 September, 1944
0612-Left formation to investigate objects in water off Halmahera Island. Steaming on various courses at various speeds. 0629-Identified objects as natives in canoes. 0630-Maneuvering to approach assigned bombardment area. 0724-Stopped. 0730-Dead in water. Commenced shore bombardment with 5"/38 guns on Halmahera Island...0816-Ceased firing having expended 499 AA common projectiles and smokeless powder cartridges 5"/38 ammunition. 0817-Left bombardment area on various courses at various speeds to join Task Unit 77.2.1. 0824-Secured from general quarters. Set condition one easy. 0830-Troops carried by TF 77 ships made landing on Morotai Island.....0900-Received report that Morotai landing was made without opposition. 0902-USS NASHVILLE proceeding independently screened by USS ABNER READ and USS BUSH.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

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Location: New Guinea
Date: Monday 16 October, 1944
1123-USS ABNER READ and USS BUSH formed AS screen 52 on USS NASHVILLE, USS BUSH taking station 2. 1128-Changed course and axis to 040oT., 028opsc. Took departure from Hollandia, New Guinea for Leyte Island, Philippine Archipelago.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

Location: Surigao Island, Philippines
Date: Friday 20 October, 1944
0611-USS WASATCH reported mine 1000 yards off their port beam and ordered USS BUSH to sink it. Left formation steaming on various courses at various speeds. 0614-Lay to in water alongside mine. Fired at mine with rifles and 20MM guns. 0642-Ceased firing having expended 611 20MM service projectiles and numerous small arms ammunition, several hits having been made on mine which was sinking. Steaming on various courses at various speeds to rejoin remainder of TG 77.1. 0658-Entered Leyte Gulf, Philippine Archipelago.....0848-Sighted units of Northern and Southern Attack Force (Transports and Cargo Ships), units of the bombardment force (Battleships, Cruisers, and Destroyers), ahead off Leyte Island.....1002-Received radio report that first wave landing on Leyte Island landed successfully..... 1843-Japanese planes overhead. Commenced firing. 1847-Japanese planes passed out of range to Northeast.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

Location: San Pedro Bay, Leyte Island, Philippines
Date: Tuesday 24 October, 1944
0822-Enemy planes overhead dropped several small bombs. Two planes sighted in flames. 0823-Took station 1000 yards ahead of USS NASHVILLE in company with Task Unit 77.1.2. Maneuvered to clear transport area. 0903-Commenced making smoke. 0923-Ceased making smoke. 0929-Area reported all clear.
... H. N. West, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Location: San Pedro Bay, Leyte Island, Philippines
Date: Wednesday 25 October, 1944
0233-Received report of surface action in Surigao Straits and south Leyte Gulf between TF 77.2, TF 77.3 and unidentified Japanese forces.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

0458-Unidentified planes in area. 0502-Planes identified as enemy. Went to general quarters. 0507-Commenced making smoke. 0546-AA fire at 270oT, 8 miles. 0622-AA fire at 300oT, 7 miles. 0648-Area clear of enemy planes. 0649-Ceased making smoke. 0707-Enemy planes in area. Went to general quarters.....0734-Commenced firing at plane to starboard with USS ABNER READ. 0738-Ceased firing having expended 60 5"/38 AA projectiles and smokeless powder cartridges. Plane crashed in flames. 0746-Radio report of enemy ships standing into Leyte Gulf from the east. 0747-Maneuvered on various courses and speeds in company with Task Unit 77.1.2 standing out of San Pedro Bay to join Task Group 77.2 in accordance with CTU 77.1.2 visual dispatch 242310 of October 1944.
... H. N. West, Lt.(jg), USNR.

0840-Commenced firing along with several other ships on two enemy planes bearing 250oT. 0841-One enemy plane crashed and the other left area. Ceased firing having expended a total of 79 5"/38 AA common projectiles and smokeless powder cartridges, 64 40MM service projectiles and 187 20MM service projectiles of mixed lots and indices.
... E. E. Sechrist, Lt.(jg), USNR.

1600-TG 77.2 steaming off entrance to Leyte Gulf on various courses at 10 knots (98 rpm). 1910-Deployed for possible surface action. Fleet axis 125o and speed 5 knots(53 rpm). USS BUSH with USS ABNER READ and USS MACDONOUGH with Left Flank, as before. TG 77.3 joined formation and right flank.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

Location: Entrance to Leyte Gulf, Philippines
Date: Thursday 26 October, 1944
0602-With USS ABNER READ and USS ANDERSON in company joined USS ROBINSON, USS HALFORD, USS HEYWOOD L. EDWARDS and USS LEUTZE in circular AA screen on two thousand yard circle screening USS LOUISVILLE (OTC CTG 77.2 and Guide), USS MINNEAPOLIS, USS DENVER, USS COLORADO, and USS PORTLAND, large ships on 1000 yard circle..... 1111-All clear. Secured from general quarters. 1112-Proceeding independently in company with other ships of TG 77.2 stood into Lauaan Bay to refuel.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

Location: Leyte Gulf, Philippines
Date: Sunday 29 October, 1944
1704-In accordance with CTG 77.1 visual orders proceeding independently on course 160oT., 170o psc at 20 knots(203 rpm) enroute to Surigao Strait to conduct anti-sub patrol between Amagrasan Point, Leyte Island and Tomoyausas Point, Dinagat Island.....1853-Arrived at assigned area..... commenced anti-submarine patrol.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

Location: Surigao Straits, Philippines
Date: Monday 30 October, 1944
0645-Sighted LCT 861 bearing 090o. 1710-Maneuvered to close LCT 861 and give it directions for reaching Panaon Island. 0729-LCT 861 once more on the straight and narrow, resumed patrol.
... J. E. Zimmerman, Lieut., USNR.

0846-Maneuvered on various courses and speeds to investigate object bearing 253oT. 0854-Identified object as native sail boat. Resumed anti-submarine patrol.
... H. N. West, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Location: Leyte area, Philippines
Date: Friday 10 November, 1944
1710-On station in area Dog. USS BRYANT commenced patrolling eastern half of Surigao Strait and USS BUSH commenced patrolling western half of Surigao Strait on east and west courses.
... E. E. Sechrist, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Location: Surigao Strait, Philippines
Date: Saturday 11 November, 1944
1006-Maneuvered on various courses and speeds to investigate flashing light bearing 233oT. 1014-Flashing light identified as signal from rubber life raft containing two men. 1025-The following survivors were brought on board: 2nd Lieutenant R. R. Seay, USA, (Pilot) and 2nd Lieutenant J. H. Gamble, USA, (Co-Pilot), both attached to 822nd Bomb Squadron, 38th Bomb Group, 5th Bomber Command, Morotai. These officers were the only two survivors of B-25, No. 953 which was hit by anti-aircraft fire while on bombing mission over Ormoc Bay, Leyte Island, Philippine Archipelgo.
... H. N. West, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Location: Leyte Gulf, Philippines
Date: Thursday 16 November, 1944
1105-In accordance with Commander Destroyer Squadron 56's verbal orders the H. L. EDWARDS relieved USS BUSH on radar picket station. 1107-BUSH took departure from picket station on course 255oT., 249o psc at 20 knots(203 rpm), to rejoin Task Group 77.1.....1952-Took departure from Leyte Island for Seeadler Harbor, Manus Island.
... E. E. Sechrist, Lt.(jg), USNR.

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Location: Seeadler Harbor, Manus Island, Admiralty Islands
Date: Saturday 25 November, 1944
1030-RAWLEIGH, Edwin L., F1c, 898-42-68, V6, USNR received electrical shock while using electrical chipping hammer in evaporator in forward engine room due to short circuit.
... M. G. Hubbard III, Lt.(jg), USNR.

1405-RAWLEIGH, E. L., F1c, 898-42-68, USNR, died from electrical shock.
... E. E. Sechrist, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Location: Seeadler Harbor, Manus Island, Admiralty Islands
Date: Tuesday 28 November, 1944
1634-Task Unit 77.1.5 forming up. Formed cruising dispositions with NASHVILLE and BOISE in column, distance 1000 yards. OTC and guide in NASHVILLE. Anti-submarine screen 54 composed of USS HALFORD, USS BUSH, USS BRYANT and USS ROBINSON with BUSH occupying No. 2.....took departure from Seeadler Harbor, Manus Island, Admiralty Islands for Leyte Island, Philippine Archipelago.
... E. E. Sechrist, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Location: Tarraguna Point, Leyte Island, Philippines
Date: Friday 8 December, 1944
1435-In accordance with secret movement order 1-44-7 December, 1944 underway in company with TU 77.3.8 consisting of amphibious convoy screened by the following destroyers: USS NEWCOMB(ComDesRon56 OTC), USS LAVELETTE, USS HOPEWELL, USS O'BANNON, USS HOWORTH, USS HALFORD and USS BUSH. Convoy consisting of the following amphibious vessels in four columns as follows: Column No. 1 LCI 748, LSM 42, LSM 148, and LSM 150; column No. 2 LCI 750, LSM 316, and LSM 317; column No. 3 LCI 960, LSM 40, LSM 151, LSM 267, and PCER 851; column No. 4 LCI 747, LSM 38, LSM 37, LSM 39, interval 400 yards and distance 300 yards. Took departure for Tarraguna Point, Leyte Island for Ormoc Bay, Leyte Island on course 130oT., 140opsc at 10 knots(98 rpm) in anti-aircraft formation Dog 1, with BUSH patrolling station astern of formation at 12 knots(118 rpm).
... E. E. Sechrist, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Location: Ormoc Bay, Leyte Island, Philippines
Date: Saturday 9 December, 1944
0429-Landing craft proceeded to landing beach independently. 0440-Destroyers maneuvered to take assigned patrol stations. USS BUSH northern destroyer 4000 yards from beach. USS NEWCOMB guided landing craft to beach.....0732-In accordance with verbal orders of CDS 56, USS BUSH left patrol station to undertake fire support mission. 0759-Resumed patrol having been unable to contact shore fire control party......0807-Landing craft ordered by CTU 75.3.8 to retract and rendezvous. 0810-Established communications with shore fire control party.....0829-Took station for shore bombardment approximately 8,000 yards off the beach.....0834-USS BUSH commenced firing on assigned targets of troop concentrations. 0851-Ceased firing having expended 39 rounds AA common projectiles and 39 smokeless powder cartridges of mixed lots and indices.
... N. P. Foss, Lt.(jg), USN.

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Location: Lingayen Gulf, Philippines
Date: Monday 15 January, 1945
1550-Received word that there were aviators in raft southeast of San Fernando Point. TF 77.7 proceeding to rescue.
... N. P. Foss, Lt.(jg), USN.

Location: Lingayen Gulf, Philippines
Date: Tuesday 16 January, 1945
1610-USS HALFORD was directed by CTG 77.7 to proceed to vicinty of emergency IFF bearing 010oT, distant 27 miles to search for possible aircraft survivors..... 1640-Investigating new possible position of aircraft survivors..... 1719-Search for survivors unsuccessful. Observed flashing light (possible reflection from mirror) bearing 100o on hill about 1.5 miles north of San Fernando..... 1757-USS HALFORD reported having picked up three survivors from aircraft of USS LUNGA POINT.
... N. P. Foss, Lt.(jg), USN.

Location: Lingayen Gulf, Philippines
Date: Wednesday 17 January, 1945
0735-Maneuvered on various courses at various speeds to close USS HALFORD to take passengers aboard. 0740-Line received from USS HALFORD. 0755-Commenced transferring passengers by bosun's chair. 0757-The following passengers came aboard for further transfer: MURRAY, M. J. Lt.(jg), 301344, USNR, DRUSCHEL, F. A., ARM2c, 300-44-57 USN, GOURLEY, D. G., ARM1c, 724-59-24, USNR. 0758-All lines clear from USS HALFORD.
... M. G. Hubbard, III, Lt.(jg), USNR.

0935-In accordance with verbal orders of CTG 77.7 transferred the following survivors to USS ROCKY MOUNT for further transfer: Lt.(jg) W. J. MURRAY, 301344, USNR, DRUSCHEL, L. W., 30044-57, ARM2c, USN, GOURLEY, D. J. 724-59-24, ARM1c, USNR.*
... N. P. Foss, Lt.(jg), USN.

*Editor's Note: The log showed inconsistencies in the names of the rescued flyers. Cannot confirm which versions may be accurate.

Location: San Fabian transport area, Lingayen Gulf, Philippines
Date: Saturday 20 January, 1945
1242-Moored port side to USS TULLULLAH.....1250-Commenced fueling ship. 1314-Ceased fueling due to excessive rolling and damaging of ships side having received 23,194 gallons of fuel oil. Damage sustained due to rolling while moored alongside USS TULLULLAH: Gun Nos. 42 and 44 shield bent inboard, port side light demolished, ABK antenna broken off, RBH lower antenna brace and antenna broken, and forward port boat davit out of alignment.
... N. P. Foss, Lt.(jg), USN.

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Location: Ulithi Island, Caroline Islands
Date: Saturday 27 January, 1945
0905: In accordance with Commander Air Support Control Units, Amphibious Forces, USS Pacific Fleet written orders CASCU P16-4/00 serial T-139 Lt. James Starr III, A(x), USNR(77313) reported aboard for temporary duty in connection with fighter direction. In accordance with Commander Air Support Control Units, Amphibious Forces, USS Pacific Fleet written orders CASCU P16-4/00 serial T-142 Lt.(jg) John G. Foster,* S(F3)T, USNR, (227578) reported aboard for temporary duty in connection with fighter direction. In accordance with Commander Air Support Control Units, Amphibious Forces, USS Pacific Fleet written orders CASCU P16-4/00 serial T-138 Ensign Franklin C. Butler jr., A(x), USNR(321142) reported aboard for temporary duty in connection with fighter direction.
... M. G. Hubbard, III, Lt.(jg), USNR.

*Editor's Note: Lt.(jg) John G. Foster lost his life when the BUSH was sunk by suicide planes on April 6, 1945. The Commanding Officer's final action reports had favorable comments about the good fortune of the BUSH to have a fighter direction team on board.

Location: Ulithi Island, Caroline Islands
Date: Wednesday 31 January, 1945
0930-Held quarters at which Captain John B. McLean, USN, 60452, ComDesDiv48, was relieved by Commander James S. Willis*, 61306, in accordance with BuPers 012331 and CincPac 080232 both of November.
... W. R. Teague, Lieut., USNR.

*Editors Note: Commander James S. Willis died on a floater net from injuries received during enemy action on April 6, 1945.

Location: Apra Harbor, Guam Island
Date: Monday 12 February, 1945
1845-Lt. Cmdr., T. B. Owen, USN, 85628 reported aboard for duty as executive officer.
... H. L. Lubin, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Location: Apra Harbor, Guam Island
Date: Wednesday 14 February, 1945
1725-The following named men received multiple burns on various parts of the body while in the crews mess hall, HICKS, Frank, S2c, USNR; VALERIO, John, S2c, USNR and UNDERWOOD, H. E., WT2c, USNR. The fire was caused by phosphorous caps being carried around in the left hand pocket of HICKS, Frank, S2c, shirt. The phosphorous caps ignited in the left hand pocket of Hick's shirt due to unknown reason. VALERIO, John H., S2c and UNDERWOOD, H. E., WT2c, received burns while sitting next to Hicks. All were treated by ship's doctor and placed on binnacle list.
... F. J. Hubbard, Bos'n, USN.

Location: Apra Harbor, Guam Island
Date: Friday 16 February, 1945
1710-Pursuant to Chief of Naval Personnel dispatch, Lieutenant Percy A. Lilly, Jr., 10432, USN, was detached to report to commandant of nearest U.S. Naval district for further assignment.
... M. G. Hubbard III, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Location: Guam Island
Date: Saturday 17 February, 1945
1200-Took departure from Guam, Marianas Islands for Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands.
... E. E. Sechrist, Lt.(jg), USNR.

Location: Iwo Jima
Date: Wednesday 28 February, 1945
0805-Relieved on patrol station C-10 by TRACY(DM19). Proceeding on various courses at various speeds to report to CTF 52 for fire support mission.....0831-Reported to CTF 52 for fire support mission. 0850-Proceeding to.....fire support area, Iwo Jima..... Went to general quarters for shore bombardment. 0933-Relieved BENNETT(DD473) in..... fire support area. 0935-Lying to in fire support area.
...M. G. Hubbard III, Lt.(jg), USNR.

2038-Secured from general quarters with the exception of main battery. 2358-In accordance with voice radio orders of shore fire control party commenced star shell illumination with main battery firing 4 rounds at irregular intervals every ten minutes.
... H. N. West, Lieut., USNR.

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4 June 1945

To: Chief of Naval Personnel
Attn: Records Division

Subject: Smooth deck log of the USS BUSH for the months of March and April; loss of.

1. The smooth deck log of the USS BUSH for the months of March and April were still aboard and lost when this vessel was sunk, due to enemy action, on April 6, 1945.

2. Smooth deck logs cannot be reconstructed inasmuch as the rough deck logs and quartermaster's notebooks also were lost with the vessel. In view of these facts, the smooth deck log for the month of February is the last deck log submitted by this vessel.

R. E. Westholm
Commander, USN
Former Commanding Officer

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